
I’m finally getting my head above water after my vacation and Money2020. A week and half away from my “desk” is never fun to catch up on, but it was well worth it.

I had a bunch of thoughts on Money2020 and I’m too brain dead to formulate them into a cohesive blog post so I figured I’d just bullet point them for simplicity sake.

  • I forgot how much fun it is to meet people in person. There’s a level of personal connection that you get in face to face meetings.

  • I also forgot for 18 months that network = net worth. It’s amazing how many connections and intros I made in 2 days.

  • Networking is exhausting. There were definitely times where I hit a wall and had a hard time.

  • Holy crypto and blockchain. I couldn’t believe just how many crypto and blockchain companies are out there right now. It’s undeniable that web3.0 has arrived.

  • Everyone is an investor. All my Uber drivers wouldn’t stop talking about trading crypto, stocks or FX. I’m not sure if I should be scared or impressed. My driver to the airport told me to buy Shiba Inu coin but warned me that it’s a pump and dump.

  • Seems like everyone at the conference has made at least 1 angel investment. It’s pretty impressive with how many are investing in startups.

  • $50 minimum at the craps table is a fast way to lose everything. Stay away. $25 on the other hand is manageable.

Overall, I had a great time. Made a lot of new friends and potential work connections. I wish we went all out this year for Secfi, but it was tough with the pandemic. Next year, we’ll definitely have a bigger presence.