My week of gratitude
Today I am grateful for well.. gratitude. I have been much happier this past week despite the stresses of working while study for a test due to my gratitude practice. Writing about it in my blog helped me level set my mind every day. I am happy I did it.
It’s easy to get caught up in what you don’t have in life and that want can ruin your mindset and even day.
Something silly that I realized over the weekend while playing golf:
It’s easy to be envious of a scratch golfer’s swing. If you focus too much on trying to achieve that swing and score like that person, you’re going to forget that you’re playing golf which in itself is great.
Realizing this made me enjoy the day much better despite not playing as well as I hoped.
I’m headed in lockdown mode as I make a final push to study for the next 5-6 hours for my test. I take it tomorrow and I am confident but cautiously optimistic. The test got me once and I need to be sure I don’t leave anything on the table.