Random musings
I just got done working close to a 12 hour day where I had calls starting at 7:30 and kept going for nearly 9 hours. It was exhausting and I don’t really have the mental capacity to write a complete blog post, so I figured I just write down some thoughts from today:
I just joined the “Baddies Only” room on Clubhouse. Unfortunately I wasn’t invited to speak and had no idea what they were talking about.
My Doordash driver took a photo of my food on his bike on the street to say it was “Delivered” and then never left the food. I would love to know what happened here. Perhaps my poke bowl looked that good that he just decided to eat it?
I’ve been meeting a lot of amazing people interviewing for positions at Secfi. Pretty amazingly, I haven’t interviewed anyone in 2021 that I believed should get the worst rating (1 out of 4). Even my “no” entries are getting at least 2/4. Are we that good at filtering or are my standards too low?
Ghost/cloud kitchens are popping up everywhere. It’s the future of food, but will it be the end of mom/pop restaurants that we all love? If it is, I don’t want the future of food.
Scheduling 3 interviews back to back to back is a terrible idea and I should never do it again.