My general strategy to battling colds and minor illnesses is to get a good workout in and power through. It’s generally worked over the years. I can’t remember when the last time I was sick enough to keep me home or stop me from my normal day minus some sniffles here or there.
Well sure enough I started to feel a cold coming along this week with a sore throat starting on Tuesday and affecting my nights and mornings. Given the week’s events, I decided to power through with all events mixing in normal workouts here.
I started to feel the effects Friday after work and a workout. I thought I could sweat this one out and get on with my Friday evening. I wasn’t feeling too hot and still decided to keep dinner and drink plans with friends. On Saturday, it was a gorgeous day so I thought the beach, dinner, and drinks would kick the cold.
This wasn’t my smartest idea. I woke up this Sunday morning feeling like I was hit by a train. I’ve been home all day recovering in what feels like the worst I’ve felt from a cold in recent memory.
It’s an important lesson that I need to learn how to take care of my body and get proper rest. My body fought and fought for days, but at some point it was going to give.
This is my own fault of course. If I got some rest earlier this weekend, I probably would’ve been fine and not have lost a day to this cold. Next time, I’ll refer back to this post and tell my stubborn self to sit out some events and get some rest.