Reopening SF

Today I am grateful for the city of San Francisco. I was born and raised here so I am biased and I know the city has taken a lot of heat lately. But I consider myself fortunate to be born here. I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up anywhere else in the world and I am glad for everything the city has to offer.

On the topic of SF, the city announced a lot of plans to loosen COVID-19 restrictions including increasing indoor dining capacity and offices for non-essential employees.

I know there’s a lot of mixed feelings here as there is still the virus looming out there but I am really excited to see the city start to reopen slowly. We have largely been very conservative in regards to our reopening given our numbers and I think it’s about time.

The city has largely controlled COVID-19 with low infection rates compared to the rest of California (and the country). There are many businesses struggling and I hope that people can get back on track.

We’re not in the clear yet though and San Franciscans will need to continue to be diligent in slowing the spread. I have high hopes for my city and know that we can do it.