I got a text last night from my cousin that my grandmother had passed away in her sleep. She was 86 years old and healthy so the news was unexpected to say the least.
I hadn’t been that close to her as she lived in Indonesia and we did not keep regular contact after my mother died when I was 7. I visited her every time I was in Indonesia and we would exchange WhatsApp messages every once in awhile.
Oma was a very gregarious woman. She had friends she would meet with almost daily even in her old age. She loved her kids and her family, and loved being the matriarch. She’s going to be missed dearly, but I am glad that my Mom now has her Mom up there with her.
I joked a few weeks ago that I felt like 2020 couldn’t get any worse. Unfortunately, it feels like gut punch after gut punch. In times like these, I try my best to stay positive and lean towards gratitude in life. It’s easier said than done.