Routines and disconnecting
My life is a beautiful mess right now. I don’t mean to sound dramatic. I am healthy and generally happy right now, but I feel like I am all over the place. I am drowning in work and personal life commitments are catching up quickly. A beautiful mess is how’d I best describe the situation.
Work is getting busier than ever which is a good thing for someone at a startup. I am also grateful to be a fortunate personal situation with lots of activities and commitments. Nonetheless, there are so many hours in the day and I feel like I am all over the place… all the time.
It’s easy to blame COVID-19 for derailing my routine, but the reality is that this was always going to happen with my workload increasing and I have no one else to blame but myself for this.
Going forward, I am looking to address this problem with two achievable goals:
1) I am going to get back into a defined work routine rather than the COVID work routine. Getting up at the same time everyday. Working out on a defined schedule. Planning to separate work/personal better at home. These are all things that I once did but was derailed due to the COVID excuse. We’re still in a pandemic, but it’s time I get back to my normal routine which makes me more efficient and happier.
2) I am going to disconnect more by leaving my phone and/or laptops away when it’s time to focus on personal and leisurely activities. Work has gotten more demanding and I have responded by being plugged in more than I ever have. I need to be more present when it comes to life so I can enjoy the moments with my friends and loved ones. I have started leaving my phone when I go outside to take a break or go into nature. It’s paid huge dividends so far and I feel recharged when I get back.
These are two difficult but achievable goals. I look forward to living a healthier and happier life once I accomplish them.