Routines and feeling good
This week was the best I’ve felt in a long time. I had a lot of energy and felt optimistic the entire week. I don’t really know for sure why this was the case. My routine didn’t change much, but I felt a lot better waking up this week.
I didn’t sleep a whole lot, but my sleep quality was high. I slept consistently and woke up at 6:30am everyday. I ate decently healthy, but wasn’t a saint. I worked out hard and 4 times this week. None of that has been much different than before.
The one thing I can maybe point to was having a great last weekend. I didn’t really drink much and therefore my sleep was better than normal. On top of that, I woke up more consistently to my weekday sleep schedule. Lastly, I had a long and full weekend of activities I enjoy.
At this point, it’s very likely a sign that I need to use my weekends more to recharge more. Staying out later and upending my sleep schedule is likely a big culprit of how I feel during the week.