Shitty people

One unfortunate truth that I’ve learned as I get older is that there’s just a ton of shitty people everywhere. It’s obviously a wide spectrum from people who just don’t care about others to being a downright awful person. It’s evident everywhere from work to just walking around day to day.

The internet is full of scammers and people pretending to be who they are not to take advantage of others. There’s that one asshole who opens their car door and drops their litter on the ground. I meet individuals often who will outright lie in order to get paid first.

It can be disheartening at times to see how shitty humans can be. I try to tell myself that everyone’s situation is different and perhaps they were just dealt an awful hand in life which caused them to be this way. Or perhaps they were hurt by others or taught wrongly and if it wasn’t for that, they wouldn’t be that way.

Regardless the reason, I need to do a better job at seeing the good in the world. The reality is that there are more good people than shitty people by a large margin. Unfortunately, the shitty people just tend to stand out more than the rest.

That person that does or says something awful to me can upset me and ruin my day. But the awesome person who helps pick up my headphones after I drop them doesn’t make my day. That’s a bad way to go about life and my own fault.

There’s always going to be people that are shit humans. Karma will take care of them. In the meantime, I need to focus on the good in the world.