Some of the smartest people in the world

The team has been working really hard over the last few weeks with some big meetings and presentations. Today was a big day for us as we had a few big meetings that were planned back to back on the same day. Everything went well and it was a big weight off our shoulders, but we are already thinking about the next steps.

That’s the reality of being at a small start-up. Lots of amazing highs followed by the reality that there’s much more work to do.

On to the next…

One thing that came to mind today is how fortunate I am to be working with some of the smartest people in the world on a daily basis.

My life at Secfi gives me access to some of the most talented founders, investors, and operators on a daily basis. I am in constant awe of the level of intelligence and accomplishment of some of the people we work with everyday.

I’ll be honest and admit that there are moments going into some of these meetings where I am brutally nervous given what these people have accomplished and their resumes. It can be intimidating at times knowing that they are taking a meeting with…. well me.

Despite my nervousness going in, I pretty much always leave these meetings much more calm. I think this correlation can be attributed to one of the key reasons that make these people so successful to begin with.

These highly successful people have a naturally calming aura that exudes charisma. It is a bit hard to explain, but perhaps the simple explanation is their ability to be leaders that inspire confidence in others.

I have a lot to learn in my life and career and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from the best in the world.