Staying positive
I had a tough and down day yesterday where I was tired and groggy most of the day. Unfortunately that carried over into a bad night of sleep. Now I’m sitting here on a Tuesday morning very tired in my office very tired and running on a few hours of sleep.
In periods like this, it’s really easy to feel really negative about everything. Perhaps it’s a bit too easy for me. I’ve unfortunately been in a more negative headspace the last few days. I suspect most of it is driven by just simply being tired from life. But I’ve also been pushing really hard at work to start the year off right and there’s a ton of things happening personally as well.
In short, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. I need to remember that these times are always temporary and everything passes. I also need to stay positive in life. It’s been way too easy for me to spiral into negative thoughts lately. A lack of sleep and life pressures will do that to you, but it’s important for me to nip this in the bud before it carries over into my life too much.