Stop and smell the roses
Like many who work at a small business or a startup, I get caught up a lot in the ever increasing goals. You work your ass off to hit a target or a goal. Then you quickly move onto the next one. That’s the reality of growing a company.
We hit a big goal here at Secfi halfway through the quarter. And already we’re starting to think about the next quarter and our goals there. My CEO gave me shit when I reported the good news yesterday in our management team meeting. I had a very business as usual demeanor as I reported what should be ecstatic news.
Six years into building a company and I feel like I’ve almost lost my excitement for winning! I’ve suddenly became the disgruntled veteran at the company. That’s not a great place to be. I’m vowing to change that.
I have so much to be grateful and appreciative about both in my work and personal life. I need to stop and smell the roses. I’ll start by celebrating this big win this weekend.