Strategic aggression

Like every other company, Q2 was a quarter of dealing with the COVID-19 fallout and making sure we are set-up for the future. The virus hasn’t gone away, but we are in a much better position to deal with a potential second wave of the crisis as Q3 starts.

Right now, our focus for Q3 is be strategically aggressive. We know there are a lot of opportunities out there for us and it’s out there for the taking. We also know we have limited resources and COVID-19 is still very much alive.

We are going to be aggressive this quarter, but we’re going to do it with a lot of proper thought and planning. We’re going to team more than we’ve ever done before to ensure that we make the right decisions going forward.

We’re going to pick our battles and attack those with full force. We’re also going to shelve other projects and initiatives that are better suited for another day.

It’s going to be a great quarter for us and I am excited.