Superhuman AI
I’ve been playing around with various AI tools the last few months, but I’m by far a power user. ChatGPT has become something I use often, but I’d stop short of it becoming a game changing tool for my line of work. I’d suspect it’s a lot more for helpful for other roles however. The generative AI image creators are a lot of fun and I like to play with that, but given my line of work, it’s mainly just a toy for me.
So I was really stoked to hear that Superhuman would finally be releasing their AI integration into their popular email platform. I’d been a user of Superhuman nearly from the start and I admit that I am one of the fanboys who can’t live without it. It’s just a much better and more pleasurable way to do email.
The new AI feature ingests all your emails you’ve written and aims to assist you in writing in your own words. I tested this out a bit yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised at just how good the feature was. They wrote me a cold email that sounds like something I would write. Furthermore, it was spot on about the description of Secfi.
Of course, this does make sense as LLMs just regurgitate what has been fed to it in the past. So it’s been recycling a lot of my past emails. But what’s most impressive is how it has been able to combine everything I’ve written in the past and make it perhaps even better.
I suspect that Superhuman AI may be the first AI tool to hit my daily toolkit.