TC Disrupt
I’ve been swamped the last two days at Techcrunch Disrupt. On top of meetings, I hosted 4 roundtable discussions where we discussed equity compensation and the changing landscape with the market.
I was really pleased with the attendance at the roundtables. All sessions got to the point of standing room only and it was really cool to see founders and investors really care about the future of equity compensation.
I was admittedly a bit worried as there were some really interesting speakers and talks that were perhaps more “intriguing” to the younger generation. I had expected NFTs, crypto, interoperability, etc. to be the headliners of these roundtables but perhaps I underestimate how cool stock options and taxes can be.
A lot of really awesome people came up to speak to me after the sessions. It was inspiring seeing a lot of young talented builders wanting to ensure that they are setting up equity programs the correct way at their companies.
I forgot how exhausting these conferences can be. I came into the week tired from the weekend but after a good workout Monday night, I was ready to go Tuesday morning. As I write this on Wednesday evening, I am absolutely dead mentally and physically. I had tried to go on a quick run to rejuvenate couple hours ago but my legs felt like tree trunks and after a sad 1.5 miles, I decided to walk home.
Once again, it’s another reminder that I am no longer in my 20s and I need to give myself and my body a bit of break more often.