Team camaraderie
We’re having our virtual holiday party this morning at Secfi. Of course, we’d all love to be together in one place. But given that we are spread out not just over the country, but also in Europe, it just didn’t make any sense to bring the team together this year.
I greatly miss getting together in person and hanging out like normal humans. There’s nothing like sharing a meal or grabbing a drink with a colleague who you haven’t seen in awhile.
I use a lot of my experience in sports in business and perhaps the most unheralded part of winning teams is team camaraderie. I’ve always placed a lot of emphasis on that since I’ve joined Secfi.
Needless to say, things have been more of a challenge lately the last few years with COVID and then the bear market.
While the virtual holiday party is not ideal, it reminded me how much fun these events can be and also how important it is for all of us to get together.
It’s evident that we need to do a better job of team building in 2024 and that’ll be one of my big focuses.