The end of my west coast hours on east coast experiment
I’ve officially thrown in the towel on trying to work west coast hours on the east coast. At the beginning of my 3-4 month trip to the eastern time zone, I decided that I would try to work west coast hours in order to shift work hours to when I am most productive.
I’ve written quite a bit on the struggles of this experiment over the last few months. Unfortunately the end result was just that my work hours expanded from 9am ET to 9pm ET.
I suspect that working west coast hours on the east coast would work best for individuals at companies where everyone is working on west coast time. At Secfi, we have people on both coasts as well as Europe so this was a challenge.
In addition, the challenging nature of a Series A startup just made it really difficult to contain my work hours. Instead of taking mornings off to work out, I found myself reading emails from the minute I woke up.
Of course a lot of this is on myself for setting up boundaries, but I just couldn’t ever make it work to the point of success. I am excited to get back home to San Francisco and start working normalized hours again.