The era of Slack

When I first started work, everyone had phones on their desk. We had instant messaging but often the messages were sent to say “call me”. It was fairly normal to call up a colleague to ask a question quickly. Nowadays, that is completely gone. It’s almost weird for me to randomly call a colleague without any context.

One thing I’ve realized recently is that I’ve done too much Slacking and I need to call people more. There’s too much that gets lost in translation via Slack messages. And often times, the best course of action is to speak live and communicate verbally to get shit done. As our team is across multiple time zones, I’ve resulted to Slack a lot more and it’s hurt our communication.

Secondly, my Slack messaging is probably too direct and harsh at times. I try not to mess around on Slack and go direct to the point, but perhaps I can go too far. In this day and age, texting and Slack just requires a different vibe than what was normal years ago. At fear of me becoming that old grumpy man on Slack, I’ll need to make changes.