The growing to-do list
My to-do list has piled up over the last week between personal and work items. At this age, Colin allows a lot of downtime when he’s napping during the day. But Sophia and I have really taken the opportunity to take him on long walks and get him outside. It’s been awesome and it does feel nice getting out after being cooped up inside most of the first few weeks.
However, that means everything else on my checklist gets pushed down the priority list. I’m okay with that in theory. This month has been about bonding with Colin and helping Sophia. Those are priority 1 and 2.
At the same time, old habits are hard to break and I can’t help but feel unaccomplished and stressed about my growing checklist of everything else. This will continue to be a thing going forward and it’s something that I have to learn to live with.
I’ll need to either find more hours in the day or learn to mentally deal with it. The latter seems to be a bit easier at this point.