The long term hold

One of my best friends reached out saying that he needs to learn how to keep his money in things he believes in. He was early on in Bitcoin and sold really early before the huge rise. And he’s been an avid supporter of Tesla for many years now, but sold his stock well before the stock 3x’ed in a span of 3 months.

He’s now got major fomo, but has a great learning experience. Most new investors have to get burned to really learn how to invest.

My recent streak has not been great either. I had targeted 3 stocks to buy in January. $CDLX, $DIS, and $SHOP. I bought into $CDLX and $DIS and both have been down since then. On the flip side, $SHOP hit new all-time highs today. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. That is investing.

Despite this, it’s important for myself to hold true to my thesis on these companies. The longer you hold stock, the more room there is for growth. Whenever I buy into a company, I look to hold long-term for at least a year if not many more.

I’m not a skilled enough investor to be a day trader and I don’t ever intend to be. We’ve all heard famous investors have different quotes such as “investing is easy” and “investing is simple”. My take is that investing is as easy or as hard as you want it to be.

I choose the easy route and follow trends. I stick to my theses and hold stock long-term so my potential for error is much lower. There’s no right way to invest, but you need to stick to your guns and your beliefs.