The New York energy

I had a rough travel day yesterday getting to New York. My flight was delayed about 5 hours because they were missing a plastic part in the cockpit that eventually needed to be flown in from LA.

Landing at 3am and getting only a few hours of sleep is not the ideal way to start a New York trip. All that said, it could’ve been worse and I should just be grateful that I made it rather than have to be rebooked through other means.

I sit here writing this at 1:30pm running on coffee and the New York energy. The energy in this city is absolutely electric as always. The office culture here feels 10x stronger here than San Francisco and it makes me want to go grind.

On a personal level, there’s simply just too much shit to do here. My list of places I want to go this trip far exceeds the time I have. I’ll be lucky to sneak a couple of the restaurants I’ve been eyeing into the schedule.