The old internet

At this morning’s team meeting, we had a fun chat about the new generation entering the workforce and also what the old work life was like.

I don’t believe anyone in Gen Z really knows what the classic “I’m on the phone” sign with your hands mean nowadays. They grew up in age of smart phones and I’m not sure if many of them have ever used a typical desktop phone.

Even when I started work 10 years ago, every work station had a phone on the table and we would always call people rather than Slacking them. I think a new hire Gen Z graduate might panic if someone told them to call them via a deskphone nowadays.

I remember back in the day when we had to use dial-up internet and block a phone line to reach the internet. We were never permanently online when we were kids. Now, you can’t be offline.

Downloading a MP3 could take hours and often your download would be interrupted, and you’d have to start the 2 hour process again. I remember having to load my iPod with music and having to delete songs to make room for new music. It’s crazy to think cause now you have the world’s library of music at your fingerprints to instantly play at any moment.

Imagine what life will be like in the next 25 year.