The return of Alteryx

Today was my first day back full working since Wednesday. First days back are always tough and today was no exception even though I took Monday off to recover. I have yet to crack how to come back from vacation rested and feeling great, rather than slogging through the day. Hoping I feel better tomorrow as I’ve got a lot to catch up on.

Alteryx ($AYX) is back after closing today 28% up from yesterday after raising revenue guidance and announcing a new CEO. The stock has been a Wall Street darling since hitting the market in 2017. The stock has nearly 10x’d since it’s debut on the public markets 3.5 years ago.

It was holds near to my heart as it was one of my earliest stock purchases and the first one to really take off. I bought in first at $16 close to the IPO and have been slowing adding my position since. So what gets me most excited about Alteryx?

I first used the software back in my days at PwC where I helped hedge funds get more efficient and streamline processes. The beauty behind Alteryx is that it was a completely drag and drop tool that allowed anyone to work with large datasets. It cut out expensive engineers and data scientist and created automated workflows that business users can run on their own.

The first time I used Alteryx was an Oh Shit moment. It took me all about 10 minutes to realize how powerful this tool was going to be within the organization. Within a few months, we had built a team that would sell consulting projects using Alteryx to automate workflows and processes for our clients.

Many don’t realize it, but Alteryx is at the forefront of the no-code movement that will help bridge the gap between my generation and the generation that grows up coding in schools. Automation and AI is coming to the workplace at rapid rates and Alteryx will be a large part of that tech stack to enables change in these organizations.

I remain very long Alteryx and look forward to the software taking over the workplace in the near future.