The Stuff You Didn't Know About
One of the things that makes working at a start-up interesting is the unpredictability of what you’re going to be doing on any given day.
Of course there’s the fire drills like any normal job, but I’m talking about the random stuff that fall outside your normal job scope. These task can range from mind-numbing but must be done tasks for the business to random odd jobs.
While shopping for TVs for our conference room today, I started thinking about all the side tasks that I’ve been responsible for:
Finding an office in San Francisco for the company
Researching and comparing company benefits
Stocking the office with snacks, drinks, and beer
Planning offsite meetings at hotels
Team social events
Determining company policies
Designing company “swag”
Helping determine locations of company trips
I always welcome these tasks as it’s a bit different than the normal business development tasks I do 90% of my day and quite frankly, it’s a lot of fun.