The tech scene
Being a local here, I’ve always been a bit conflicted on the tech scene. Of course, I am in the industry and I do believe that tech makes the world a better place. On the flip side, there’s a lot of stereotypes that are unfortunately just true and some people whose entire identities are based on their work and tech. As much as it’s creeped up, I try not to spend too much time with people who can only talk about their work.
Last night, I had one of those really cool SF moments. My friend organized a dinner for a celebration. Sophia and I attended along with a lot much more accomplished VCs and techies. Everyone was absolutely awesome and it was amazing being able to talk to some of the pioneers in the industry.
From people who helped pave the path to self-driving cars to VCs who have been in the game before I even started work, there were some heavy hitters here. I was most impressed by the fact that most of these people were just normal people who have families and have other interests in life outside of work.
There was no pretentiousness or bragging. I suppose the people who perpetuate the stereotypes are probably the loudest and only a small group of the tech bros here in SF. I was fortunate to be able to spend a few hours with them.