Time for a break
There hasn’t been a lot of vacationing lately due to the global pandemic. I know that can impact morale and work productivity so at Secfi we’re trying to encourage people to take time off.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been a good lead by example here as things have been busy as ever and I find myself still working long hours.
Given the long weekend, I plan on heading up to Tahoe today and taking the weekend through Monday off. Everyone needs a break and I fully expect to be recharged and much more productive come Tuesday.
There’s a lot of schools of thought on vacationing. I’ve spoken to a lot of people who completely unplug and that’s how they recharge. I know a lot of happy and successful people who like to work a little bit every day even on vacation. I have historically been in the latter category but might try to unplug completely this time around.
I’ll see if I can keep my hands away from my inbox the next few days.