Time for a personal day
It was a rainy and gloomy Monday in San Francisco and my mood aptly reflected the weather. Mondays are hard for most people, myself included, but the quarantine has made it much harder. I ended the day relatively productive but it was a struggle.
While we’re not forcing anyone to take vacation days at Secfi, we’re all encouraging each other to use vacation days to unplug from our online lives. I think it’s time for me to do just that.
I’ve realized that I have not taken an extended vacation since summer of 2018. It was truly one of the last times I was able to fully unwind for more than a week and travel. I had a trip planned to Korea and Japan for the end of March, but well COVID-19.
Like many out there, I’m feeling tired and on edge being in quarantine. I’ve been fortunate to be able to get out for a bit, but I can’t remember the last day when I had some alone time to be with my own thoughts and enjoy the things that I love doing.
For some much needed time off, I decided to take Friday off. I’m going to start planning some activities for myself. Likely it’ll be a lot of walking, relaxing in parks, reading, and eating takeout.
While travel for vacations may not resume anytime soon, a staycation sounds like exactly what I need to recharge my batteries.