Tired and ready for time off

I’m halfway through the workday and just dragging a bit. My 4 hour of calls this morning was good but I’m pretty drained already admittedly. It’s been almost 4 months since my last vacation (beyond just a day off for a long weekend) and they have not been an easy 4 months.

There are some pretty obvious signs that it’s time for some time off. The extra snoozes in the morning despite having a good night sleep. Struggling to get through even the most basic work tasks. Reaching for some caffeine to get you through.

None of these are great signs obviously and it’s time for some rest and relaxation. I fly out to Mexico on Friday for a week and half with my closest friends and I couldn’t be more excited. There’s going to be a lot of golf, eating and relaxing and that’s exactly what I need right now.

For now, I’ll power through and ensure that we’re all in prime position for the next week while I’m gone.