To reopen or not

I took a 2 hour nap today at noon. It felt amazing and probably my body telling me that it’s tired. It’s been a long few weeks and I’ve been feeling a lot of fatigue lately. It’s going to be important to listen to my body and get more rest in these next few weeks.

On to the next…

The big debate right now is to reopen the economy or not. Shelter in place orders have gone a long way to helping flatten the curve, but people are getting restless and unemployment is skyrocketing. As much as people don’t want to say it, there will be a point where this cannot go on and we have to get going.

We’re slated for the economy to start opening in waves starting now through the summer. I’m not a medical or pandemic expert, but it appears that this will lead to another wave of outbreaks. The big question is whether this next wave of outbreaks will be an acceptable outbreak or not.

The most important item here is to protect medical and emergency workers. This next outbreak cannot overwhelm our healthcare system. If we can open the economy and not max out our healthcare system, then we should consider opening the economy. Until then, we cannot risk another outbreak where there are not enough hospital beds for patients who need it.