Culture at work

I saw this video last night and thought it was a fantastic display of culture at work.

I believe that there’s a lot to learn from sports in the world of business and vice versa of course. Some may see a student athlete picking up a trash can that’s been knocked over, but I see a leader standing up during a time of adversity and leading by example.

Your culture as a team or company shows up during times of adversity. Following a tough loss, this student athlete made a statement that this is inexcusable and he was going to fix it. That’s culture at work. It’s no surprise that Houston has been a fantastic team over the last few years and has made runs at a national championship.

There are of course examples like this that happen in the workplace on a day to day basis that does not come close to receiving the same fanfare. These little things all matter in the grand scheme of setting your company’s culture.

We’ve seen simple things in the office. Cleaning up after yourself in the kitchen or conference room. Picking up the trash you knocked over. Putting things away where they belong.

Now that we’ve gone remote, there are still many ways that highlight a working company culture. Adhering to best practices with files and tools so your teammates know where to find things. Taking notes for those that couldn’t make the meeting. Sticking to your company’s communication protocols.

Of course, every company culture is going to be different. Some companies prioritize things that others won’t and that’s okay. You know you see a good working culture when something is important to the company and people are assuming that is the standard without giving it much thought.