I got my second shot of the vaccine yesterday evening. I’ve gotten the Moderna vax and most people I speak to say that the side effects especially on the second dose could be tough for 1-2 days.
I woke up this morning achy, tired, and had slight chills. After sleeping a few more hours, I woke up somewhat okay. I’ve been achey and have a minor headache but so far so good 24 hours in. I’m glad that I didn’t have much of a fever. I know I’m a bit lucky here as I have some friends who were bed-ridden for at least 24 hours due to the second shot.
It’s pretty amazing how fast we got the vaccine up and going. The original predictions for a COVID-19 vaccine were 2-3 years away from some. We got it done in under a year.
I’m really excited to be vaxed and ready to put COVID-19 behind me. It’s going to be interesting for a few months I’d imagine as we open up, but I’m ready to travel and see people again. Let the roaring 20s begin.