Week of Gratitude and Travel

Finally getting caught up with everything after trying to take most of last week off. I did a pretty good job at not working and truly taking time to unwind. Unfortunately, my daily blogging suffered as well but I can live with that.

To cap off last week, today I am grateful for the amazing Delta gate agent at Salt Lake City airport. We had an early morning flight from Baltimore for a quick one hour layover in Salt Lake before flying to San Francisco. When we landed, we found out that our flight was delayed 2+ hours (and likely more) due to bad weather in SF.

We were down in the dumps when we noticed there was a flight to Oakland leaving soon and decided to see if there was someway we could get on this flight. We asked this “gate angel” and he put Sophia and I on the flight with no hesitation. He even upgraded us to Comfort+ and worked to get my checked bag onto the right flight.

It’s safe to assume that this gate agent probably has had a few long days working one of the busiest airports in the busiest time of the year, but he was amazing the entire way. Yes, he was just doing his job, but it’s these little things that we remember. He literally made our day and gives me another reason for staying loyal to Delta.

Be nice, be helpful, be empathetic. These are simple things we hear all the time, but goes such a long way when put into action correctly. I hope to take this gate agent’s customer service basics into my everyday life.