Why we do this
I was annoyed most of the morning. I’m tired after a long week and had to deal with a lot of “inconveniences” this morning. I wasn’t a happy camper even after my morning coffee. As I write this at Noon, my mood has completely reverse as I got a nice reminder of why we do this.
I had a great conversation with a prospect to join the company that was energizing. He made me excited for the new potential hire.
I also had a great conversation with a potential client. Guy is one of the nicest guys I’ve met and just genuinely was excited that Secfi existed as we helped solve his needs.
Lastly, we just closed a deal for a client who is now able to buy his family’s dream home. It was the icing on the cake of a tough week.
Whenever I’m feeling down in the dumps about work in general, I need to remember why we do this. We are making an impact on people’s lives and building a company is the greatest thing you can do in your career, despite the fact that it’s not always fun and games.