I don’t have a gambling problem, I have a competition problem -Michael Jordan
This might be my favorite MJ quote of all time. I’m not sure if MJ truly has a gambling problem and if he does, I’m glad he’s been able to largely overcome it and live a full life. I do know that MJ has a competition problem.
While I am not by any means claiming I am the second coming of MJ, I do believe I too “suffer” from a competition problem. I just love winning and I hate losing. Of course this means in sports, but this also translates to other areas in life ranging from trivial ones such as board games to meaningful ones such as business.
In the world of Secfi, I crave the feeling of closing a deal but I love the feeling of beating out competitors for a deal and knowing that I beat them. If it were kosher, I would probably try to rub it in their faces like we were on a basketball court.
I’m working on a lot of deals right now and I feel a bit overwhelmed, but the thought of winning not just one or two, but all of them drives me. I want to win so badly that I’m willing to give up a lot of my personal life and time in order to win.
These next two weeks will be tough, but the thought of losing and not giving it everything I had is worse.