Work from home life
I go through a lot of ups and downs working from home. Some days I feel overwhelming positive and that it’s going to be a great life lesson for me to go through this at this point in my life and career. Other days I feel trapped and helpless. I suspect I’m not the only one going through this.
I have many friends and clients who work from home nearly everyday. I never understood it. I love being outside. I love going to the gym. Going for a walk. Eating lunch by myself or with colleagues.
My up and down days are likely a product of the times mixed with a big disruption to my routine. Work has undoubtedly been tough over the last week and half. I miss my colleagues.
At the same time, I also have been doing a terrible job at sticking to my routine. I’ve been going to bed and sleeping in later. I no longer go on walks when I am stressed. I cook lunch at home as an opportunity to save money.
This may last a few more weeks at best and a few months at worst. I can’t control the coronavirus but I can control my routine.