3 years of this blog

I was on the bus this morning thinking about what I wanted to write about today when I realized that it had to be almost 3 years since I started the blog. Sure enough, I check the date for when I started this Squarespace subscription and it turns out that I launched it August 25th, 2019. I have no idea if this was just some really good guess ort if I subconsciously knew that it was at the end of August. Maybe I’m just that good at feeling out dates.

Writing this blog has been a daily pleasure of mine. I have been decent at attempting to write everyday although I skip almost all weekend days. I could be better, but if you told me that 3 years in I created a nearly daily habit of writing something on my blog everyday, then I’d take it.

I started the blog mainly as a personal journal of mine. I wanted to write down my thoughts and become a clearer thinker. I also knew that I needed to improve my writing. This blog has definitely helped me achieve that. Despite hating writing and English classes growing up, I actually enjoy writing nowadays. No newspaper is going to recruit me to be a journalist anytime soon, but I’m a much better writer today than I was 3 years ago.

So where do I go from here? I’m hoping to continue to write daily and perhaps even start writing more on the weekends and on vacation. I do want to write more technical and nuanced posts more often. It’s been unfortunate, but I just haven’t had the time and I’m now writing a weekly newsletter for Secfi that will dive into more technical topics.

Here’s to another year of writing.