Having fun
It was my turn to host our biweekly all hands today. Our management team takes turns hosting it and everyone adds their own flavor. We of course cover the important things like company updates and announcements, but we also try to add some flavor to the meetings to make the more engaging.
I’ve always turned to hanging out with each other and making it as fun as possible. This startup thing is hard. We work a lot and it’s often frustrating. Every other week we get a chance to come together as a company, hang out with each other and have fun for this one hour before we go back to the grind.
Today, I started with a fun debate game where we posted a “controversial” question and then broke out into breakout rooms to discuss. The first question was “are Cybertrucks cool?” and the second question was “is your iPhone listening to you?”
This all set things up for a big company announcement. We set a date for our big product launch and I introduced it with a silly meme video. I’ll share it after our launch that will be soon.
After a tough summer with the market and seemingly only bad news in the startup world, we had a good hour together where we hung out, laughed and turned to optimism about the future. We all needed a bit of fun in our workday.