I turn 34 today and I’m feeling blessed. I’ve lived an incredible life so far and I feel fortunate that I was able to win the lottery of life. I’ve got an amazing wife, friends, and family that care about me. I have enough to live a very happy and fulfilling life. Most don’t get to say that, and I don’t that it for granted.
One thing that has resonated with me recently as I’ve gotten older is my time left here. I know it’s a silly thing to say at age 34 when the average age of death in the US is 77, but at the same time at 34, I know how fragile life can be and how fast life can go. I hope to be here a long time, but I also know that the only thing that is guaranteed is that we will all die eventually.
That may scare some people, but there’s some comfort in knowing that for me. If I’m fortunate to live until I’m 80 then I have around 46 years left of life or 16,790 days left. That seems like an eternity for some, but if you start counting down the days… things move a lot faster than you’d like.
In another perspective, I only have 46 birthdays, Christmases, football seasons, or wedding anniversaries left. Looking at life that way and counting down makes me look at life in a different but positive perspective. I need to live, do good in this world, and most of all enjoy my time here with those that I love.