Super Tuesday
It’s Super Tuesday and it’s a largely uneventful one on the national stage. We all know that this election will be between Trump and Biden. There are a few things I am following on a local and state level that could be interesting.
I used to like election years as I enjoyed some level of politics and moving our democracy forward. However, the last 10 years or so have been brutal. The country is completely divided and elections/politics tend to bring out the worst in people.
Social media has undoubtedly contributed to the political discourse. Everyday I see posts on social media from friends or acquaintances labeling the other side as this or that. It feels like we’ve lost our ways to have educated discussions and see each others viewpoints and we’ve settled to finger pointing.
Election years will always bring conflicts but for the sake of our country and democracy, I hope we can get back to a level of understanding and cooperation. Maybe one day I’ll be excited for an election year agian.