Back to it
I’m disappointed to see that I didn’t write anything in my blog for a week. It was a real busy week leading up to Thanksgiving, but I also realize that I need to make time for things that are important to me. Work has slowly started to take over my life and it’s not a good trend.
It was a weird Thanksgiving with the pandemic in full force. Sophia and I went to my parent’s house for a quick dinner and then went to John and Mimi’s for a second dinner.
I golfed on Thanksgiving, the Friday after and again today for a total of 4 tee times in a week. It was a bit much and I am a bit golfed out right now. I played particularly poorly on the last 2 rounds which probably means it’s time to take a bit of a golf break.
The one thing about golf is that it’s a 4-5 hour time period where I can truly disconnect and not check my phone. It’s a magical time period where I’m with my close friends just enjoying being outdoors. I’m glad I picked up the hobby during quarantine.
I’ve got a mountain of work to catch up on this week as we wrap up November and aim to close out the year strong. Overall, I feel much more rested and stress free than at the beginning of the week. The long weekend came at the right time.
It’s going to be a 3-4 week sprint to close out the year. I’ll be working my tail off, but need to make sure to keep good work habits and make time for myself.