Mondays have been getting harder and harder for me as I get older.
Part of this is my fault as I don’t get as much rest as one should over the weekends. As my weekend nights get earlier and earlier, I do think I’ll buck this trend soon enough. I know I need to do a better job at getting the rest I need.
I also do think a lot of this is signs of a possible burnout. I know I’ve been working a lot lately and it hasn’t gotten much easier. I know burnout is real and dangerous. I’ve seen it happen first hand quite often and it’s something I am looking to avoid.
I know the fix to all this is simple… but difficult. I need to get more rest and work less. That’s obviously easier said than done. These next few weeks will be unavoidable in terms of work load, but I’m hoping to take a lot of time off at the end of the year and ease into 2021.