Children and AI
My busy day suddenly is suddenly a lot more open as I’ve had a handful of meetings cancel on me. By no means am I complaining as these open days are nice to sit down and get some work done casually. Going forward, my schedule is just going to get busier so I’m enjoying the time I have now.
On another sad note, I read that a teenager who was an avid user of Character.AI tragically ended his life recently. To my understanding based on what I read on social media, a 14 year old had befriended a chatbot provided by Character.AI based on the character of Daenerys Targaryen.
He had been chatting with AI Dany and had made mentions of potentially taking his life. It’s an incredibly sad situation. There will undoubtedly be a lot of fear spread on the dangers of AI once this starts leaking out to the broader media.
Just like any new potentially addictive technology (see social media), there’s going to be dangers particularly around our children. I don’t doubt that there’s going to be adverse consequences due to AI.
As a soon to be first time parent, this is something I will have to navigate soon. To be honest, I don’t really know the right answer yet in regards to tech. I know it’s my job as a parent to get educated by reading and speaking to people in the know so I can ensure my children have the best chance at a successful life.