Growing pains
As Secfi starts to grow again, we’re going through another cycle of growing pains. The old guard of the company is largely gone. Except for a handful of us, the entire company has joined in 2021 or later. They had no gone through the initial growth phases of Secfi.
Hiring, training, and building processes are always some of the most difficult parts of running a startup. We went through a lot of these growing pains in 2019 and 2020. Even for someone who has seen it happen once before, this time is always going to be a new challenge.
My personal take though is that this might be the most rewarding and fun period. We’re back to building again. There’s nothing more satisfying than watching your hard work pay off in results for the company and the team.
I’m excited for the rest of this quarter and next year. Things are never smooth and easy in this phase and I’ll be incredibly frustrating at points. But it’s a challenge that’s worth taking on everytime.