Turning into my Dad
I’ve had a busy and stressful week of work and I’m glad it’s Friday. By the end of most weeks, I’m usually just zapped mentally. I can’t believe just 8 years ago I was accustomed to working 6 and sometimes 7 days a week at times. Lots changes between your mid 20s and your mid 30s.
My wife likes to make fun of me as I slowly transform into my Dad both in looks and personality. I’ve fully embraced becoming a Dad recently. I’ve started saying no to a lot more social events and instead get excited about going baby shopping.
Sitting at a bar drinking all day watching football doesn’t have the same appeal as sitting on my couch all day. I look forward to finding amazing deals in the grocery store and Costco has become my favorite weekend activity.
The Home Depot runs haven’t yet begun but that’s probably because I don’t own a home yet. But I’m sure that’ll start soon in the next few years.
I used to fear getting older. I always thought that my life would get worse after college. Then I thought my life would get worse after my 20s. Thankfully none of that has come true. Sure some things do indeed get worse, but life does getting better. Things change in the best ways and I’m looking forward to these changes in my life.