Controlled emotion

We had an all-hands meeting last week where a few of us broke out into rooms and shared what we miss about the office and working together. I came to a funny realization halfway through the conversation when I realized that I was simply just venting to my coworkers about all my frustrations. It quickly came to me that one of the things I miss most about going to the office is the ability to vent to my coworkers.

My job is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at times. Often times, I’ll be on back to back calls for hours at a time. I’ll go from a deep (and often) heated negotiation with a client to a friendly meeting with a new hire where I need to put a smile on.

Short-term memory is important as it’s imperative that I don’t let one bad call ruin my next. Of course, this is all easier said than done. We’re all human and emotions run deep. Something stuck in my mind can definitely affect the rest of my day and my interactions with people as well.

One of the big tools that have helped me control my emotions throughout the day is meditation. Practicing meditation every day helps me take a step back and realize what’s truly going through my head. When shit really hits the fan, I do a guided meditation that can help even if it’s just a few minutes.

Often times, when I need a break, I’ll go and exercise as well. A quick run, workout video or yoga session does wonders for me in helping control my emotions throughout the day when I can afford a longer break.

And lastly, when things really get bad. I call some of my coworkers to vent. While it’s not the same as turning around and venting to someone in person, a quick Zoom vent session does wonders.