Creativity during work from home

Howard Lindzon wrote about his struggle about finding inspiration due to the pandemic. It was a timely blog post as I am going through the exact same feeling right now.

Being at home feels like the same thing over and over again. I see friends on the weekend and go out to eat, but there’s not really that much excitement. I am a people person and like seeing my coworkers and shooting the shit.

I live for in-person work events and am my best being around like minded people.

This unfortunately has gone all out the window during the pandemic. Zoom is a good bridge, but it leaves a lot to be desired.

I try to combat this feeling by finding new hobbies like golf and seeing friends on the weekends. But there’s a large void in my life due to work from home.

My plan is to take a remote week of work somewhere in the next month in order to try to get a change of scenery. I’m hoping that gives me some creative juices.