
I got back from Austin yesterday exhausted after a long days celebrating my friend Sam’s bachelor party. As I’m 34 now and not getting any younger, these trips do take a big toll on me. They are equally parts exhausting as well as fun. Luckily, I was able to take today off to have a personal day to recover physically and mentally. I feel a lot better after getting a lot of sleep last night.

Despite the after effects of these trips, I am definitely not trying to take these trips for granted. Simply put, I have no idea how many more of these trips I’ll have in my life. Perhaps in 5, maybe 10 years I’ll look back and wish I had the opportunity to go back to another bachelor party.

So today, I’m leaning on gratitude. I’m grateful that I was able to have an amazing weekend meeting a lot of new and awesome people. I’m grateful that I’m sitting here on Monday and I’m able to have a day off during a gorgeous day in San Francisco. And finally, I’m grateful to have a great job that I’m excited to get back to tomorrow. But first, time to relax a bit and recharge.