When things aren't so rosy...
I do my best to show gratitude every day and I am for sure lucky to be in the position I am in today. I don’t take that for granted.
I’ve spoken to quite a few friends and peers in the industry who are going through rough times right now. The story is similar - their startup or fund has not been doing well and they were unfortunately part of layoffs or part of a shutdown. A lot of people who aren’t part of layoffs at startups are also looking for another job right now.
This is the brutal reality of startups. Lots of people take paycuts to join startups and most just do not work out. The job market right now in startup and tech is as bad as it has been in many years. For everyone’s sake, I hope that things start to improve over the course of the year.
It can be a brutal situation to be in right now. I know a lot of people are struggling to find jobs that fit their needs.