I can do this everyday
We’ve hired an amazing moving company to get our stuff and move it to storage. I’m thoroughly impressed by how efficient they are going especially with 4 flights of stairs. Two of the taller guys are literally stacking boxes and carrying them on their backs. It's pretty amazing to see.
As one guy was carrying some boxes, he said to me that “I can do this every day.”
It was amazing to me as moving boxes up and down a staircase for a living might be my worst nightmare. It’s great to see that these guys enjoy what they’re doing and do it with a smile on their face.
I wish I could say I could do my job every day. In truth, there’s some parts to my job that I love and I can do all day every day, but there’s a whole lot of my job that is tedious that I’d love to offload. That time will hopefully come eventually — soon enough we’ll find some people that can do those tasks every day and do it happily.