
It’s funny how life works sometimes. This week is one of those weeks where timing and luck are definitely not on my side.

On top of packing up my apartment and moving to New York, I’m involved in 4 large proposals/deals this week. It’s a week that would’ve been stressful even without moving, but it’s some added stress. I’m definitely feeling it now, but trying to stay positive that it’s only a few days of hell and then I’ll be in New York.

It’s pretty obvious that we need to hire like crazy. It’s been a big focus of mine in Q1 and we’ve hired some great talent, but there’s so much more work to be done. I’ve written extensively about it but it’s become even more evident throughout Q1 that we’re understaffed and we need to add significant staff at all levels.

It’s going to be a wildly different company by the end of the year. I’m excited for it, but I know things will likely get worse before they get better so I’m mentally preparing myself for a hectic year.